Welcome to Aries Ink!

Start the Presses!
May 6, 2020

Welcome to Aries Ink!

May 3, 2020

Aries Ink has had a super productive weekend! All of the parts and pieces for our screen printer finally arrived. We were busy Saturday and Sunday night creating a space for all our materials, putting the press together and starting the emulsion process on our screens. Our brand logo is going to be our first test run to make sure we have all the kinks and bugs worked out. We are hopeful that there will only need to be minor adjustments that need to be made and we can get printing all of our other designs!

Here it is! Our press!

Keep an eye out for preorder opportunities and our first design contest! You create it, we print it, you get your design on a free t-shirt and a gift card to get a shirt in the future!

We are super close to 100 likes on our Facebook page! Make sure to like our page and invite your friends! There will be multiple opportunities for giveaways and contests, but you have to stay connected!

We cannot wait to start sharing our designs with you! Thanks for checking us out and we will be back with our next update soon!

-Bree & Josh

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